Using his many years of experience with tool assisted soft tissue therapy, Dr. Kazemi designed lighter, more practical & effective IASTM tools Canada.
Buy 5 Kazemizer Shark IASTM Tools Canada and save $100!!
KAZEMIZER SHARK® is an innovative instrument used for soft tissue therapy. It is light and small making it easy to handle without fatigue. It is made as one instrument for all body parts. It is used to break down scar tissues, adhesions, to treat trigger points and to enhance blood flow and lymphatic drainage of the injured areas.
Kazemizer Shark® was the official IASTM Tool for the 2015 Pan American Games.
**Sale – $250 (regular price $290) with free shipping and handling for North America**
**Buy 5 Kazemizer Shark and save $100 ($230 each)**
(comes with complete whole body copyrighted manual)